Creating Containers, File Shares and Directories within a Storage Account using Powershell


2 min read

In week 3 of the Sidehustle bootcamp, we've been tasked with; Creating a Standard general-purpose v2 Azure Storage Account with Standard_LRS. Creating a container with a blob public access level within the storage account, then uploading a blob object to the container and, Creating a File Share within the Storage account and also creating a directory within the File Share and uploading a file.

To execute this, we used PowerShell on Visual Studio Code and an Azure account.


* Install Powershell on Visual Studio Code and connect the Azure Account with the code

Connect -AzAccount

  • Create a resource group

$ResourceGroupName = "week3Rg" $Location = "UKSouth"

Screenshot (106).png

  • Create the storage account in the resource group

$AccountName = "standardprojectaccount" $ResourceGroupName ="week3Rg" $Location ="UKSouth"


*Create a container with blob public access and upload a blob object


$BlobObject=@{ FileLocation="sample.txt" ObjectName ="sample.txt" }

Screenshot (109).png

*Create a File share within the storage account

$FileShareConfig=@{ Context=$StorageAccount.Context Name ="data" }

  • Create a directory within the File share

$DirectoryDetails=@{ Context=$StorageAccount.Context ShareName = "data" Path="files" }

  • Upload a file to the directory

$FileDetails=@{ Context=$StorageAccount.Context ShareName = "data" Source="sample.txt" Path="/files/sample.txt" }

Screenshot (110).png

Succesfully, we used Powershell to create a File share which allows several people to access the same file data and we also created containers with blob public access level.

Screenshot (111).png